Event Category: All Groups
Bellringers Practice
All Age service
Come to our All Age service Where? In Harbury Church at 10.30am on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Service lasts for approx. 45 minutes Who to contact for more info? Rev Andy Batchelor 01926 714295
Bumps & Bundles and tiny tots too
Bellringers Practice
Children’s & youth Church
Children’s Church is aimed at pre-school and primary age children. We usually listen to a Bible story, do a craft, play a game, sing songs and pray. The children return to church near the end of the service so they can take communion with the church family.
Bumps & Bundles and tiny tots too
The Collective
The Collective meets every 4th Tuesday to explore what the Christian faith has to say about everyday issues that affect us all. We have a quiz, hear a short presentation on the topic, and spend time discussing it together over a drink. Come along and join us in the Shakespeare Inn 7.15 for 7.30 . […]
Pleasant Pastimes
A social afternoon with board game activities or you might like to bring your own craft work. The afternoon is particularly appropriate for older villagers and those who come say how they enjoy the company of others. When is it? It is held 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Harbury Village library on the 2nd and […]
Bellringers Practice
Bumps & Bundles and tiny tots too