Event Category: All Groups
Pleasant Pastimes
A social afternoon with board game activities or you might like to bring your own craft work. The afternoon is particularly appropriate for older villagers and those who come say how they enjoy the company of others. When is it? It is held 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Harbury Village library on the 2nd and […]
Bellringers Practice
Bumps & Bundles and tiny tots too
Mothers’ Union
The Mothers’ Union meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except August) at 2.30pm. There are around 40 members and our meetings are a mixture of member led discussions and speakers on various subjects. We welcome visitors to share in our meetings which take place in the Tom Hauley Room and are preceded by optional attendance at an act of worship at 2pm.
Meeting Point (Lunch)
Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at The Crown pub in Harbury, alternating between lunch at 12:30pm (prior booking required) and refreshments from 2-4pm. We welcome all those who are in need of friendship, have suffered loss or just feel lost themselves.
Bellringers Practice
Children’s & youth Church
Children’s Church is aimed at pre-school and primary age children. We usually listen to a Bible story, do a craft, play a game, sing songs and pray. The children return to church near the end of the service so they can take communion with the church family.
Messy Church
Messy Church is for all the family to come and take part in crafts, baking, games, songs and food with a Bible theme. Where? In the Tom Hauley room (next to Harbury Church) 3.00 to 5.00pm on 11th June, 9th July, August (none), 10th September Who to contact for more info? Julie Batchelor 01926 […]
Bumps & Bundles and tiny tots too
Quiet Space
Meditation, contemplation, mindfulness are words now seen frequently in both popular and more serious articles. The need for ‘time out’, for quietening our busy minds is now recognised as a way of improving many aspects of our daily lives, including our mental and spiritual health. Meeting on the second Wednesday of each month at 10.30am […]