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Worshipping God . Growing in Faith . Working in Community

Welcome to Our Church


We offer a variety of ways to worship God in our services, from a monthly quiet 8am service, to the weekly 10:30 service which also caters for children. We run the popular ‘Messy’ and ‘Muddy’ Church for toddlers and children, have a midweek Communion service for older people, and are planning an evening service to start later this year.

Visit our Services page to find out more.

News & Events

Stay up to date with our news and details of upcoming events by reading our latest Pew Sheet, published every week. 

You can also listen to Podcasts of our sermons and organ music.

What We Do

We are a very mixed congregation. Our aim is to create an open “safe” community where people are encouraged and helped to meet God. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but welcome you to come join us as we make the journey together. 

About All Saints Harbury

As the parish church All Saints draws in and welcomes local people from all kinds of Christian traditions and experience, as well as those seeking a spiritual dimension to life.

The Anglican church has always helped people mark the significant milestones in life, and we share with families in both the joy of Christenings and Weddings, as well as offering those travelling the road of grief the hope of the resurrection.

Our worship is varied and we have a thriving work with children and young people, with particularly strong connections with the local school. Our mission leads us beyond the walls of our ancient church into the community, because Jesus calls all his disciples to share the good news of the gospel with everyone.

We are a welcoming and supportive family, led by the Holy Spirit, and sustained by the word of God.

However you engage with us I know you will be made very welcome, and if you need us we will be here for you.

Latest Updates

Sunday evening service

We will be holding an evening service on the first Sunday of every month starting this Sunday (2nd February) at 7pm. The service will be in the Tom Hauley Room and will include time for fellowship, worship music, a talk and time for prayer. It will last for about an

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Thank You

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If you would like to make a regular contribution to All Saints Harbury, please visit our Regular Contributions page.

We would welcome any donations to our Heat Light and Stone Appeal

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Liz McBride (details below).

Liz McBride - Church Warden

Liz McBride

Tel: 01926 612421 or Email: