Our Groups
There are various different groups within our church. Below is a list with a brief overview of each with details of when they meet. For more information on them please either see the notice board near the church entrance or contact us.
If you are an organiser or member of a group that is not mentioned then please contact our Church Wardens with the relevant information and we can include details on this page.
Groups Calendar
- Bellringers
- Church Flowers
- Home Groups
- Powerhouse Prayer
- Mothers' Union
- Cairn Community
- Open The Book
- Children & Youth
- Meeting Point
- Pleasant Pastimes
We ring for weddings, and for 40 minutes before the 9:00am service on the 1st Sunday and before the 10:30am service on all other Sundays. Training will be given if you are interested in joining us.
When is it?
We have a practice session each Friday evening from 7:30 to 9:00pm.
Who to contact
For more information contact David Heydon.
Church Flowers
A team of volunteers beautify our church throughout the year. Volunteers work in 4 groups each covering 2 weeks at a time, so each turn does not come around too often. Normally a team member sources the flowers for which funds are available.
For festivals and weddings everyone joins in to do something extra special.
If you would like to join the group flower arranging guidance will be given.
Who to contact
For more information contact Gillian Hare 01926 614809.
Home Groups
We meet most Mondays of the year between 2:00pm and 3:30pm, in houses offered by some of our members. There are from six to twelve of us at any meeting, and one person will choose to facilitate our discussion. Recent topics have included Justin Welby’s book on Mammon, the work of Embrace the Middle East, and forgotten people in the Bible. We end the meeting with quiet, sometimes silent, prayer.
We welcome new members and do not expect them to lead, or to offer their homes.
Who to contact
For more information contact John Stringer 01926 613214.
Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:30am (venue varies). The group is of mixed denomination. Those who wish to do so take turns to host the group and lead the discussions. We usually use a study guide with questions to discuss on the section of the Bible that we are reading. However, the discussion may range more widely, but are always based on the Bible.
New members are always very welcome.
Who to contact
For more information contact Mary Catt 01926 612864.
Meets fortnightly – in depth Bible teaching and study from 7:30 to 9:00pm. The evening begins by reading the portion of Scripture to be studied and considering any questions that immediately arise. Then we move onto a period of teaching, usually involving some challenging questions and associated discussion.
Who to contact
For more information contact Bob Clucas 01926 613739.
Meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month, at 1:45pm. We meet in various members’ homes. There are normally about 10 present and we start with a cup of tea and “catch up” conversation, then follow a written course. Leadership is shared between those members who wish to take a turn. Questions stimulate discussion, but there is no pressure to participate. Several different churches are represented so there is a range of experience and opinions.
Who to contact
For more information contact Gillian Hare 01926 614809.
Every Thursday, 7:30 to 9:00pm, usually at 77 Mill Street. Whilst we may follow a similar format each week the actual content can vary. There is always a focus to the meeting, such as a short series of Bible studies, a talk on a Biblical theme, a meditation, time of praise and worship, or whatever we agree we’d like to explore. However, we always make time for any problems, needs or queries brought to the meeting by our members. Our overall theme is “practical Christianity” – learning to live together and care for each other in the group, in the Church and in the wider world.
Not familiar with your Bible? Not used to praying with others? Feel awkward singing in a small group? Then this may be the group for you – no previous experience required.
Who to contact
For more information contact John Eld 01926 613340 or Brian Jones 01926 613207.
Powerhouse Prayer
We meet in various people’s homes giving details each month in the Pewsheet newsletter. Everyone is welcome to this quiet time to pray together, whether silently or aloud. Our aim is to bring our church and village before God, to seek His will and direction and to support in prayer the ministry of this church.
When is it?
Meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm for about an hour.
Who to contact
For more information contact Lesley Jones 01926 613207.
Mothers' Union
The aim of the Mothers’ Union is the advancement of the Christian Religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. There are around 40 members and our meetings are a mixture of member led discussions and speakers on various subjects. You don’t have to be a mum or even a woman to join. All our meetings conclude with general discussion over refreshments.
When is it?
The Mothers’ Union meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except August) at 2:30pm.
We welcome visitors to share in our meetings which take place in the Tom Hauley Room and are preceded by optional attendance at an act of worship at 2:00pm.
Who to contact
For more information contact Chris Rutherford 01926 613757.
Cairn Community
A New-Monastic style community based in Harbury. It is open to those of all denominations or none and not restricted to those living in the parish. We are here to encourage those who wish to draw closer to Jesus and make Him more central to our daily lives by developing our own personal “rhythm of life”. This is largely inspired by Celtic patterns.
When we meet we encourage each other with brief worship, usually based on Celtic daily prayer, sharing encouraging experiences and to bring and share a meal.
When is it?
We meet about 4 times a year.
Who to contact
For more information contact John Eld 01926 613340.
Open The Book
Open The Book is a national scheme run by the Bible Society. Its aim is to give all primary school children the chance to hear the ‘big story’ of the Bible.
A team of volunteers from All Saints’ Harbury do an assembly at Harbury School once a fortnight, telling many of the well-known Old Testament stories, the coming of Jesus and a wide selection of New Testament events as well as some from the early days of the church, in the book of Acts. The storytelling is interactive, so we use mime, props and simple costumes to bring the words to life. The children take turns to join in, acting out characters in the story, which they enjoy and do very well.
After the story, there is a short summing up, a time to reflect and chance to join in a simple prayer, and we finish with a song.
Being part of Open the Book is great fun and a huge privilege. If you are interested in hearing more, or joining in, or even helping make props or simple costumes, we’d love to hear from you.
For child protection reasons those going into school would need to be DBS checked
Find out more
Visit our School Links page to find out more about our work with Harbury School.
Who to contact
For more information contact Lesley Jones 01926 613207.
We take safeguarding very seriously. View our safeguarding information here.
Children and Youth
A group for new parents and mums-to-be to meet and relax with tea, coffee and biscuits.
When is it?
Every Tuesday between 10:30am and noon in the Tom Hauley Room (next to the church).
Who to contact
For more information contact:
Carol Jackson
07791 562688
We take safeguarding very seriously. View our safeguarding information here.
Children’s Church is aimed at pre-school and primary age children. We usually listen to a Bible story, do a craft, play a game, sing songs and pray. The children return to church near the end of the service so they can take communion with the church family.
Visit our Gallery page to see more photos of Children’s Church and our other children’s activites.
When is it?
Held every 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday in the Tom Hauley Room during the 10:30am Holy Communion service.
Who to contact
For more information contact Ann Clucas 01926 613739.
We take safeguarding very seriously. View our safeguarding information here.
Messy Church is for all the family to come and meet Jesus through singing, lots of crafts and a big activity to do together. Then we all come together to share food and friendship.
You don’t have to be quiet in Church – it can be both noisy and fun
Visit our Gallery page to see more photos of Messy Church and our other children’s activites.
What is it?
Messy Church is a nationwide, even worldwide, event. More information can be found on the Messy Church website.
When is it?
3:00pm to 5:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Where does it take place?
In the Tom Hauley Room behind the church.
Who to contact
To talk to someone about Messy Church in Harbury contact Liz McBride on 01926 612421 or just come along.
We take safeguarding very seriously. View our safeguarding information here.
You don’t have to be quiet in Church – it can be both noisy and fun!
Experience Little Saints and find out how!
At Little Saints we aim to introduce children to Jesus through a mixture of action songs, interactive stories and creative play which the whole family can enjoy together. It lasts no longer than half and hour, and is always followed by breakfast in the Tom Hauley Room.
Visit our Gallery page to see more photos of Little Saints and our other children’s activites.
We would love to see you there! Although Little Saints is aimed at families with young children, it is fair to say that any age is welcome. We want you to feel comfortable and ‘at home’ in All Saints Church with your children, and hopefully Little Saints can help you to do that.
When is it?
On the 1st Sunday of each month.
What time does it start?
We begin at 10:30am – but we don’t mind if you’re a bit late!
How long does it go on for?
Usually 20 minutes, but never longer than half an hour! We promise!
Where does it take place?
We begin in church, and then go into the Tom Hauley Room for breakfast.
What do we get for breakfast?
We offer bacon sandwiches, rolls, crossants, or even pain-au-chocolat. We also provide tea, coffee and cold drinks. The whole thing is yummy!
We take safeguarding very seriously. View our safeguarding information here.
Meeting Point
At Meeting Point we welcome all those who are in need of friendship, have suffered loss or just feel lost themselves.
When is it?
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month for lunch at 12.30pm at The Crown pub in Harbury (prior booking required).
Who to contact
For more information contact Gemma Took 01926 614193 or Fliss Harris 01926 612395.
Pleasant Pastimes
A social afternoon with board game activities or you might like to bring your own craft work. The afternoon is particularly appropriate for older villagers and those who come say how they enjoy the company of others.
When is it?
It is held 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Harbury Village Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (excluding August).
Who to contact
For more information contact Barbara Thistlethwaite.