HEAT, LIGHT, STONE: the Appeal goes ahead

These are tough times. For many, they mean anxiety, illness and even the loss of a relative or friend. For some they
mean disruption, reduced income or even redundancy. Nobody would choose to launch an appeal in days like these.
That is why Harbury church has delayed its appeal for the repair and renewal of the church and Tom Hauley Room building.

But we can’t delay any longer. The buildings, their heating systems and wiring, will not repair themselves. We
already know that the church is very unlikely to be celebrating Christmas as it always has in the past – Advent and Christmas services, Christingle, the dressing of the crib, the Village Carol service and Midnight Mass.  Even if social distancing has been revoked by Christmas, the building will be freezing. In those circumstances, the Tom Hauley Room might substitute for smaller groups, but its rattling heaters are already on their last legs, and parts are no longer available to repair them.

We can see all this as a problem, or as an opportunity.

The overall cost of repair and renewal will be two hundred thousand pounds; and when our local appeal has
raised one hundred thousand (not as impossible as it sounds) we are confident that we can match this, pound for pound, from charities and funders.

But we know now that, whatever the circumstances, we can wait no longer. The church and Tom Hauley Room will
only deteriorate. A successful appeal will result in a restored building, low-carbon heating, low-energy lighting and decent audio-visual resources, and expert repairs to the roof, tower and stonework.

There will soon be an envelope through every door in the village with a flyer detailing what we plan to do, together with an appeal form. You can respond with cash, a cheque (made payable to Harbury Church), or a BACS transfer. No sum is too little; no donation is too much.

Or you can contribute now by online bank transfer to:
Bank account name: HSBC UK / Account name: HARBURY CHURCH
Sort code: 40-42-15 / Account number 90414298 / Reference: HLS
Or by cheque or cash to Liz McBride, Churchwarden & Treasurer, 1 Park Lane, Harbury, CV33 9HX, 01926 612421.

If you are a taxpayer and eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation this will increase your gift by £25 for every £100 donated. Please contact Liz McBride as above.

We should like thank you, personally and privately. Please let Liz McBride know of your donation to receive our
thanks. Your gift will remain anonymous.

The church and Tom Hauley Room in Harbury is a centre for prayer, worship and community. It is the venue where
our children are christened, our families married, and the lives of our loved ones are celebrated. It hosts clubs,
societies and family parties. The church has stood for over 800 years. Now it needs your help.

Thank you. All Saints Harbury Parochial Church Council

All Saints Church, Harbury, is a registered charity, No.1150990

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We would welcome any donations to our Heat Light and Stone Appeal

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Liz McBride (details below).

Liz McBride - Church Warden

Liz McBride

Tel: 01926 612421 or Email: warden@allsaintsharbury.org