Sunday evening service

We will be holding an evening service on the first Sunday of every month starting this Sunday (2nd February) at 7pm. The service will be in the Tom Hauley Room and will include time for fellowship, worship music, a talk and time for prayer. It will last for about an hour
We’d love to welcome you along to worship in a more informal setting if you’d like to do so. 
We would like to put a team together to develop this service over the coming months. If you have any questions about this weeks service or would like to be a part please do speak to Rev Andy or Andy Dean, Churchwarden. 

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Sunday evening service

We will be holding an evening service on the first Sunday of every month starting this Sunday (2nd February) at 7pm. The service will be

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Liz McBride - Church Warden

Liz McBride

Tel: 01926 612421 or Email: