Message from Rev Andy

Greetings to you all from a rectory still plagued by cardboard boxes, but beginning to feel like home! Well it’s been quite a journey for us from the wilds of Cumbria down the notorious M6 to a county that holds many familiar memories, but also is a whole new beginning in lots of ways. As I begin my ministry among you I feel its only right to recognise how much commitment and energy has been asked of, and generously offered, by so many during the interregnum.

On everyone’s behalf I want to pay particular tribute to Rev Ann and Rev Bob, who provided that continuity of
ministry, to the readers, the PCC’s and of course those lynchpins of parish life, the wardens. But of course there are so many more who contribute to the mission and ministry of the church in each parish and who give each its particular identity and unique presence in the community. I can’t give  an exhaustive list yet, since there are so many I have yet to meet in person, but as St Paul reminds us God pours out his gifts on his people, both practical and spiritual, and to be healthy and whole all are needed as together we make up his body, continuing the work of Jesus, faithfully obeying his call to make and grow disciples and to demonstrate his love to a world that so desperately needs it.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed in so many different ways to continuing that work especially during the dark times of lockdown and uncertainty that we have all been dealing with during the pandemic. Thank you too to everyone who has made us feel so welcome since our arrival. I have to say it feels a real privilege to have been selected to be your new vicar and I am so looking forward to meeting you all and together discerning the plans and purposes God has in store for us all.

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