Harvest Lunch – Saturday 2nd October 2021

On a wet and windy Saturday lunchtime 50 people gathered in the village hall for our Harvest Lunch, and to raise funds for our Heat Light & Stone Appeal.

Fish & chips were enjoyed, followed by ice cream, and the gathering was then entertained by The Harvesters (Sue & Ian).  A lovely time was had, and special thanks must go to all those who donated raffle prizes.

Over £213 was raised for the Appeal.

This was a departure from the usual Harvest Supper but it was felt that a lunchtime gathering was perhaps easier to attend for families and the older members of our community. Please do let us have any feedback on the event.

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We would welcome any donations to our Heat Light and Stone Appeal

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Liz McBride (details below).

Liz McBride - Church Warden

Liz McBride

Tel: 01926 612421 or Email: warden@allsaintsharbury.org