Harvest service 11th October

Ladbroke will be celebrating their Harvest Service at 9am this Sunday.
Everyone is welcome and you are invited to bring along non-perishable food for the Food Bank as thanksgiving gifts to God.

Harbury will not be having a traditional Harvest Service, but the communion service this Sunday at 10.30am will have a harvest theme and you are all invited to come to thank God for our food and for the farmers and key workers who work to get it to our table and to pray for them – and to pray also for those who go hungry. Harbury people are also invited to bring gifts of non-perishable food as thanksgiving gifts to God for the Food Bank but, instead of bringing it to the Church, please bring them to the car park behind the library on Monday between 11.30am and 12.30pm or, if that’s not possible, the Co-Op has a box for Food Bank donations by the till.
With love and prayer Ann

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Liz McBride - Church Warden

Liz McBride

Tel: 01926 612421 or Email: warden@allsaintsharbury.org