Easter Message

Dear all.

We’re in our third week of lockdown and one thing that has struck me is the tremendous amount of community spirit, the tremendous amount of helpfulness, care and love just pouring out in these 3 villages – and in the nation as whole. Thank you all so much and I do thank God for you. It is amazing just how God is working in love through people often without them recognizing him.

Easter Sunday is going to be so very different this year –  no bells ringing out through the villages, no cheerful groups of people greeting each other happily as we meet in a much fuller than usual church to celebrate in words and triumphant uplifting music that Christ is risen, no physical sharing of communion and that is sad and many of us will be feeling that loss even though we can listen and watch great services on BBC and online.  Yet when I was reading over the gospel passages on the living Jesus Christ first coming to his followers after his resurrection it struck me that our situation now is much closer to that very first Easter.  After all, the risen Jesus didn’t first appear to happy cheerful crowds in religious buildings.  Crowds and churches came later.  He first came in very personal ways to isolated people.

Jesus came to a brokenhearted woman on her own weeping by a grave for the person she lost. John 20 10-19

He came to two walkers, going along by themselves, whose dreams and hopes had been shattered and who didn’t know what the future would hold. Luke 24 13-32

He came to a man burdened by failure and guilt whose faith in himself had been broken.  Luke 24:34

He came to a small of group of friends in lockdown for fear of the danger outside. John 20 19-21

He was waiting with help and a hot meal for a small group of workers finishing a tiring and frustrating nightshift. John 21 1-14.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed and because of that he comes to us as we are today, this Easter, whether in lockdown at home, or walking by ourselves, or working perhaps to exhaustion with coronavirus patients and other essential work,   He comes to us in our grief and loneliness, our fears and uncertainties, our hopes and dreams.  He comes to us in the love we receive from others and in the love and care we give.  We can’t share bread and wine but we can ask Jesus to come into our hearts and minds and lives and so feed on him by faith with thanksgiving.

Jesus is always with us (Matthew 28 20b)

Lets hold onto that and allow that to come part of us.    Lets give time – even if its only a few snatched moments at the start of or end of a busy working day for those at work – time to think of Jesus saying our name in love as he said “Mary” to her.  Let’s read the Easter gospels and ask Jesus if he will make those meetings with him come alive for us, become real for us in our lives now in the situation we are in today,  Easter means Jesus is alive, he is with us now in wherever we are and in whatever we go through.   Lets ask him to help us to know that more certainly, more powerfully so that this Easter – whether at work or in lockdown or shopping for other people we can say with conviction, courage and hope for the future.  “Christ is risen He is risen indeed.”

May Christ’s light shine in your hearts and lives this Easter even through the darkness of the present time and the blessing of God Almighty, Father Son and Holy Spirit be upon you and all those you love and care for this Easter and always.

With love and prayer

Reverend Ann Mulley

Easter Garden – Lin Hayes

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