Maundy Thursday Meditation

Here is the Maundy Thursday Meditation for tomorrow.
Hope you are all keeping well

Maundy Thursday   –   Wild Goose Publications


Sit here while I pray.

The sorrow in my heart is so great,

it almost crushes me.

Stay here and keep watch with me.


Father, I have shown your glory on earth;

I have finished the work you gave me.


I have given my disciples your message

and the world?   It hated them.


Yet, I don’t pray

that they may be taken out of the world.

I pray that they may be kept from evil.


(sound of snoring)


Sleeping, Peter?

Can you not even keep awake for an hour?


Father, I pray not only for my friends,

but for all who believe their words.


I pray that they may be one,

just as you and I are one.


Father, the world does not know you,

but I know you and they know you.


So that the world may believe

that you sent me,

may they be one….

may they be one.


(Sound of snoring)


Peter, keep watch and pray.

Don’t be drawn by temptation.

The spirit is willing

but, oh, the flesh….

the flesh is weak.


Father, if it is possible….


Father, if it is possible……


Take away this cup of suffering from me….


Take away this cup of suffering from me….


But let it not be what I want.

Let it be what you want.


(sound of snoring)


Are you still sleeping?

Are you still taking your ease?

The hour has come for the Son of Man

To be handed over to sinful people.

Get up, let us go!

Look, here comes the one who is to betray me…

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